Sunday, August 8, 2010

Assignment 2B: Real Construction (scale up size)

After the individual geodasic dome was completed, next followed by assignment 2B which still the same theme and title, but enlarge the scale of dome to fit 3 people inside. Other requirement were listed below:

1. form a group of three.
2. build a bamboo dome able to:
- carryable
- able the float on water, fit all members inside.
- prefabricated
- life-spend 28 month
- assembled in 30 minutes.
3. Post the progress weekly.

this is the first week to post the progress, where me and my group member discuss our first planning for this assignment.

sketches and internet reseach to get the first idea. with the basic of previous assignment, we accually get an idea about the structure of dome. What we really have to planning were the material of base, to prevent water seep in, and how it gonna float on water with 3 person weight.
sketch the form of structure we decide to do, then calculate the lenght and quantity that required for the structure.
picture above shows our sketches of our first idea and orientation.
pictures above was taken during our discussion, after plan the basic form and material needed, next thing to discuss was analysing the problem that might be faced during the construction and critical problem while float on water.
Then find out the solution online, refering some sample from other country, observe others domes, get the experience solve the problem.
Solution cannot just find out from the internet or other reference, should get others experience by observation and analys them.
figure out the best solution and some options of material, estimate of cost being one of the important part of it, but since we just figure out some options, costing for material will be survey further.

Conclution of discussion:
Material to be prepare: Bamboo as a structure of dome, wire connector (pending, to be survey
further), screw, plastic ( to prevent water seep), rubber etc.
problem : How to get balance on water, sustain 3 peoples weight, how to design it
in foldable and carryable. Material to connect it.
Solution : Pending, have a few options and will be comfirm after survey.

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